Games Night 30th March 2017

Just the two of us again this week.

Tried my £12 acquisition from The Works…fingers crossed it doesn’t suck.
With the rules leaving plenty of room for confusion, we tried the suggested first-time playing set-up first. Took a long time to work out that what you had on the board was it, the rest of the deck and unbought cards didn’t make the cut, so to speak. MC picked the dragons deck, PH went for the mermaids.
PH comfortably won the trial game suffering no casualties (lots of healing abilities there).
Having ‘mastered’ it, we went all in and played a proper game. PH managed to place 6 creatures, MC went for 9 creatures. Turned out PH had a character that could do 2 damage to every enemy creature at a chosen cost. As most of MC’s creatures cost 5, 5 was the number chosen. A lot.

The game ended with PH still have 3 creatures standing.
Did the game suck?
Actually it wasn’t bad at all. Phew! I would happily play this game again. Now to see how it’s supposed to be played as a 4-player…there’s nothing in the rules except for how to draft.